-The Tributes-

District One

Celestia Romilly, 18- Golden Moon Huntress
 "I don't really know who or what I am, but one day I'll find out."
Mercury Macey, 18- cornellfan
"We're all looking for that special someone." (- Niko Bellic)

District Two

Arden Riverdell, 18- Exoreon
"Look both ways before you cross me."
Remus La Rocque, 18- AmericanPi
"I assure you, I am more than just a pretty face, though my face is quite pretty, if I do say so myself."
District Three
Henley Dorset, 15- TheMayflyProject
"We're all going to die someday. There's no need to be afraid of dying; don't waste your energy fearing the things you can't control."

Jace Gallilei, 18- Little Knight Mik
"I'm not some kid who believes everything adults tell them just because it's what I want to hear, so just be honest: How long are you going to pretend I'll survive a day in the arena?"
District Four

Willa "Willie" Kasteros, 18- basicgay
"Life is too fuckin short not to party and do minor crimes."
 Kelwyn Murdock, 18- HogwartsDreamer113
"We need never be hopeless because we can never be irreparably broken.” (- John Green)
District Five
Wolfram "Rammie" Carnel, 18- Platrium
"Aaaaaaah! Aha aha aha! Sex is the best invention by the first ever living thing to ever reproduce."
Owen "Nines" O'Connor, 18- SinfonianLegend
"Despite everything, it's still you."

District Six
Harleigh Noheg, 14- goldie031
"I can do it myself, thank you very much."
  Elliot Russo, 17- TheEngineeringGames
“I heard Wolf Jansing call people dude once so I started calling everyone dude."
District Seven
Camellia Gallen, 18-TheEngineeringGames
“I’m sorry, the old Camellia can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, ‘cause she’s dead.”
Cerulean Elpharae, 16- AKLNxStories
"The difference between impossible and possible lies within one's heart and will to attempt what all others call crazy."
District Eight

Sonnet Timmons, 16- Mystical Pine Forest
"Family isn't who you're born with, it's who you die for."
Coda Fukai, 14- 66samvr
"You can't stop me, you can't make me!"
District Nine
Hallie Vista, 13- TheAmazingJAJ
"The world is full of obvious things that no one seems to observe."
Burton Damask, 16- Venerated Art
"I won't let people control me. I am my own person and nobody can take that away from me."
District Ten
Oona Loveless, 16- Shibuya Luna
"Why ask before taking what was yours to begin with?"
Lonan Fodor, 17- later.glader
"It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever. And I look forward to the sun coming out."
District Eleven
Eden Robins, 13- paperairline
"Never underestimate someone shorter then you, because when you turn out to be wrong, well - that's just embarrassing."

Union Pickford, 13- 4everlark
"Hey Mom! Hey Dad! I'm having a ton of fun here in the Capitol. Thanks for being so rich and powerful that I won't die!"
District Twelve 
Gabrielle Sky, 13- david12341
"My sister stabbed a sobbing boy in the fucking eye. You can force me into the arena, but you can't make me play your games."
Charles "Charlie" Gerow, 13- Writer207
"When life gives you lemons, there are usually conditions attached to it."

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