Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Deleted Scenes: Introducing Me

Party Phase 2
-Amani Sinclair, Escort for District Six-

Amani grinned at Riggs as the song they were dancing to ended. They didn’t know him because they weren’t escorting when he won, but he was extremely kind and receptive to them. Gian was also accepting, and they were grateful for him too.

Gian wasn’t much of a dancer, and Riggs had learned to accept that about him and didn’t make him dance. Amani really admired what Gian and Riggs had. They hoped that someday, they would have the same kind of love. Amani loved to dream about finding the person for them someday. But that was a bit of a challenge being famous and because people just loved to stereotype them because of their interest in special effects.

For Phase 2 of the party, Amani decided to be a little bit dramatic. They left half of their face completely blank, with the typical scant make-up except for the little bit framing their green eye. On the other side, they made it look like their face was burnt and melted, covered in scar tissue with a bright green contact in their right eye. They were proud of their work, but of course people always gave them looks or looked away from them. If only those people wanted to know Amani, they could rock their world… But nobody would ever put in the effort. Those people would far rather write off Amani as a freak and leave them. It made Amani sad and hurt their confidence, but they tried not to let it stop them from being successful.

Amani was trying not to let the stares bother them, and trying not to be saddened by people looking at them and walking away. They felt like a freak, but they also knew that they shouldn’t have to change who they were to be liked…

Despite all of the weird looks, Amani was dancing to the music, having a good time at the party. They had some great friends and they were having fun dancing with them! Amani’s night was suddenly interrupted, though, by one of their tributes running towards them full speed.

“Amani!” Elliot shouted, running over to them and almost knocking them over. “Amani, hi.”

“Elliot,” they said. “Great performance!”

“Thanks! I need your help!”

Amani straightened up, happy to be able to do something for their tribute. “What can I do?”

Elliot was slightly out of breath. “Upward Voyager is performing,” he said. “But they are almost done, but… Jill didn’t get to sing yet!” he took a deep breath. “If Jill can sing with Wolf they can be friends again!” he panted. “We have to make it happen! She said she would so we have to do it!”

Amani smiled. “That’s a good sentiment, Elliot. I’m confused, though. What do you need from me?”

Elliot took another deep breath. “If Wolf is singing with her, Upward Voyager won’t have a drummer!”

Amani blinked. “I couldn’t…”

“No no,” he said. “I need you to go ask if the drummer from Midnight’s Muse will do it! Crow Ishvala.”

Amani looked over to where the drummer was standing with the rest of her band. “I’ve never talked to her before…” they said, a little nervous. What would she think of them?

“Please Amani! I have to go make sure Jill isn’t getting nervous and we have to do it fast. Please! You’re the only one I could ask to do it.”

Amani gave him a loyal smile. “Alright,” they said. “I’ll do it.” As soon as Elliot dashed off, saying a quick “Thanks!” as he went, Amani frowned, hoping that the drummer would be put off by their face. Then they would be failing Elliot…

Amani felt more than a little bit nervous approaching the girl group, but they weren’t going to let Elliot down.

“Excuse me!” they said, but the girls were all chatting amongst themselves and didn’t notice them. Amani took a deep breath, determined to succeed. “Excuse me!!!”

A few of the girls looked over, a couple of them gasping quietly upon seeing their face.

“Can we help you?” the lead singer, Andromeda asked. Amani felt nervous, not sure if Andromeda was annoyed or just asking a genuine question.

“I need to talk to your drummer on important business,” Amani said, trying to be confident.

The girls all exchanged looks amongst themselves before the drummer stepped forward.

Amani was a little nervous at first. They couldn’t see Crow’s eyes through the hair and steampunk goggles.

“Hi,” they said. “I’m Amani Sinclair.” They gave a kind smile that stretched their make-up, and Amani was made aware of how different they looked.

“I like your make-up,” Crow said. Her voice was so quiet, it was hard for Amani to hear.

What?! Amani grinned widely. “Thank you!” they said. “I like your hair extensions,” they said. Crow had two feathery hair extensions that stuck out of their hair like owl’s horns.

There was a pause. “Oh… Um, thanks.”

“And your tattoos, too,” Amani said, looking at the tattoos sprinkling both of Crow’s arms arms of feathers, birds, and wings. They were very well-done, they looked like they would be soft to the touch. “Especially the skull!” Amani loved skulls, which would make sense with their interest in horror make-up. The skull on Crow’s arm had blue flowers pouring out of the holes. It was so cool. Amani was getting excited about it. “You have to tell me who the artist is that did that. Do they make prints? That would be really cool if they did. I-” Amani stopped themself. “Sorry, I’m rambling.”

“No, it’s okay,” Crow said. “I’d be happy to give you the name.”

Amani clapped their hands. “Thanks! I really like skulls. You could probably guess that because of my make-up. I love horror make-up!” Amani stopped themself, getting distracted from what Elliot asked them to do.

“I’ve seen your work. I think it’s really cool that you do that, actually.”

Amani was worried their make-up would crack from them smiling so widely. “Thanks! It means a lot to me that you think it’s cool! I mean, not everyone does…”

“Yeah…” Crow sighed a little bit, and they drifted into silence for a moment.

“Well, um, I was actually sent here to ask you for a favor. Straight from Upward Voyager.”

Crow looked up. “Me?” she asked. “Um, I think they probably meant to ask someone else, probably Kat.”

Amani frowned at that. It was sad that Crow didn’t think she was worthy or able to do a favor for the band. She was part of a very famous up and coming band. And honestly, Amani’s eye had found her multiple times when the band was on stage. She looked so relaxed, and she just kinda did her thing behind the drumset and jammed out. She looked so natural up on the stage. No wonder Amani’s eye often found her. It was cute how her feathers kind of floated around when she moved her head when she got really into it. Now Amani was smiling again thinking about that.

“Kat doesn’t play the drums like you do,” Amani said. “Wolf Jansing wants to sing a song center stage with his sister, but they can’t pull it off without a really good drumset player!”

“I don’t usually do pop…” Crow said. “Someone else might be better for the job…”

Amani shook their head. “They asked for you by name.”

Amani couldn’t really see Crow’s eyes, but even they could see that she looked shocked. “Me?!”

“Yes! They really need someone with a lot of experience. They need you to help them out. Please, will you do it?”

“That sounds like a really good opportunity Crow!” Yrene, one of the guitarists for the group, said.

“You should do it!” Kat said.

“You just want to see Wolf siiiing!” Calliope said.

“Can you shut it?” Kat asked, with a dramatic eye roll.

Amani realized that Owen was going up to sing his song, and knew they needed an answer.

“Please Crow,” they said. “There’s not much time, but the band needs you. You can do it!”

Crow looked at Amani, and her lips quirked up in a small smile. “Alright. I’ll do it.”

Amani let out a squeal of excitement. “Oh yes! This is going to be so cool!”

“Good luck!” Calliope said. “You’re going to do great!”

“We don’t have much time. Let’s go tell them you’re in!” Without thinking much about the action, Amani grabbed Crow’s hand and hurried with her through the crowd of people, up towards the stage. Crow followed, stumbling a little over her combat boots as Amani drove through the crowd in their high heels.

“I have Crow!” they said to Elliot, who grinned.

“Right on time! Thanks Amani! It’s almost time to go on!” Owen’s song was just ending.

“You always do so well when you perform,” Amani said. “You’re going to kill this.”

Crow bit her lip. “Thanks,” she said, after a moment.

Before Amani knew it, Elliot was hurrying out to announce that the band’s set wasn’t over yet, Wolf’s sister in tow. Crow gave Amani a nod of acknowledgement before going to her spot behind the drums, dragging Wolf out from behind them.

Amani went to the front row to watch them, excited for the surprise performance.

Damn, she never told me what tattoo artist she goes to, Amani thought to themself as Crow dragged Wolf out by the scruff of his neck and dropped him center stage.

Their lips spread into a large grin.

Aha. A perfect excuse to talk to her again.

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