Friday, August 23, 2019

Fanmail #1

From Eugene via PM: This question is for Gian, Prentice, Anakyn, and Numitor specifically: Ok, I know that the four of you go to the main District 3 university, BUT unlike the Upward Voyager members (and Thack), I don't know much about YOUR experiences there. So I want to know... which university major you are, why did you specifically choose it, and what is your favourite/most memorable moment in uni (it can be in general, your projects/assignments/accomplishments, or about your teachers, classmates, friends/each other, or significant others there)?
Gian: My major is Civil Engineering. The reason I chose it is because I wanted to make myself useful after winning the Games, but still have a major that would allow me to stay close to home to work after graduating. I don't really want to work in the Capitol like some other people. I'm not very good at it, but I do my best. I can have a job that will help me construct bridges, roads, buildings, and other public sector things that will make District Six a better place. I just graduated in May, so of course that's the happiest moment. Seeing Riggs in the crowd and receiving my diploma made the craziness worth it.
Prentice: I'm a Mechanical Engineering major. I chose it because I wanted a major that could be worthwhile for me and show that I can amount to something, I guess. I didn't really have a calling towards a specific field of Engineering, so for now this is where I am. I have another year before I graduate, but I've had a great three years so far. I've had some troubles, but now I feel like things are going to be alright. My favorite Professor was my Thermodynamics professor. A very smart and caring woman, and she hired a really hot tutor for her class. *small laugh* I wish I would have gotten to know my prof better, though, instead of trying to get in bed with the tutor. I'm sure I'll have lots of regrets like that when I graduate...
Anakyn: I'm a Mechanical Engineering major. I chose it because it's the most general of the engineering majors, and can get me a number of flexible jobs. Though escorting has put any engineering job prospects on hold for just a while, I still like to work on my own projects on the side while I'm escorting. I graduate this May: I have one more year after these Games. I would be interested in attending graduate school in the Capitol, but escorting and modelling are my priority for now, and I still have a year to think about it. Uni has been great so far, and my favorite part is just being in District Three when I can and actually getting to know people there. I feel like I fit in when I go to University. Everyone is from somewhere different, so many people don't care where you're from, even me. It's... Kind of crazy sometimes.
Numitor: My situation is a bit different than theirs because I was an early acceptance into the program. I'm actually not an Engineering major: I'm a math major with a computer science minor. I tested easily into the math program because that's always been my strongest subject, and I'm really liking it there. For now, I'll never forget Anakyn and Wolf getting together to show me all around campus. I was really nervous that day, but they were really kind, and they took me to one of the best restaurants on campus. It was really good food and I always smile when I walk past that little pizzeria.

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