Saturday, July 18, 2020

Deleted Scenes: Hot, Hot, Hot

After the amusement park, they went to the water park. It was so huge, and they had it basically all to themselves, besides the occasional camera crew trying to get shots of them. Jo was really glad she and Camellia had learned how to swim together after Malloy’s death. 

She was scared her first run on the water slide: they were just so huge!: but Rose was right there to go with her. Jo soon learned it wasn’t so scary at all, and actually a bit thrilling. When Rose asked if she wanted to go again, she quickly agreed! (Not to mention the sight of her in her white flowery bikini that reminded Jo what it felt like to be gay.)

“Wait up girls!” Teddy called, waving one arm at them as he pulled Pierre along with the other. 

“Heeeey! I’m not so sure about this!” Pierre said, but Teddy held on with an iron grip. 

“We’re already almost there!” he said with a snicker. 

“These two are just playing a game of cat and mouse,” Rose said. “Please excuse Teddy for being horny.” 

“That’s okay,” Jo said, before mumbling to herself, “I know how he feels.” 

“Excellent,” said Rose with a grin, moving forward to catch up to the guys at the top of the tall slide.  Jo noticed Teddy put his arm around Pierre’s waist as they went up the last step when they arrived.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Pierre asked, flipping the thick white ponytail over his shoulder. 

“Just keep those cute little goggles on tight, you’ll love it,” Teddy said, referring to the dark goggles that were covering his eyes. Teddy gave his face an affectionate clap. Jo wondered if his eyes were sensitive or if he was just going for the mysterious vibe.

She put her hand on his shoulder, which caused Pierre to jump a little.  That’s a little odd considering she was right behind him. “I was scared too, but it’s a lot of fun,” she told him. "Maybe Teddy will go with you, if you’re scared.”

Jo was just trying to be a good wingman, but it seemed to have backfired as Pierre’s face scrunched with indignation. “I don’t need Teddy’s protection all the time,” he said sassily. 

“Sure you don’t want my strong arms and perfectly polished chest around you as you go down?” 

“Step aside, I think I’m going to vomit!” Rose said, fake-gagging.

“I can do anything, that’s for certain, honey.” he crossed his arms and harmumphing up at Teddy. 

When Jo looked over at Rose, she now had a proud smile on her face.

“Good old Oliver’s waiting for us at the bottom!” Teddy said. “What do you say we bring him up next?”

“That’s the first good idea you’ve ever had,” said Rose with a devious smile. 

“Alright, no more stalling!” Teddy proclaimed. “After you!” He seemed to be a real gentleman helping Pierre over the step into the bay of the slide. Pierre held his nose and pushed himself down, with a shriek of surprise and joy which soon turned to thrilled laughter. 

“You guys coming?” Teddy asked, gesturing them forward. 

“You go first,” Rose said, holding her arms with a small shiver as she was cold. “But I expect that you get Oliver in a headlock by the time I get there.” 

“You got it, Boss!” He got in the bay and threw himself forward on his stomach with a shriek of glee.

“You gonna take this one by yourself?” Rose asked Jo, and she smiled. 


“Okay. I just have to go outshow Teddy now.”

Ever competitive.

Rose got on her belly backwards, giving Jo a wink before she pushed herself down the slide. Jo waited the few seconds before she followed, on her back. She hit the water with a great splash, swimming over to the rest of the group, who were each holding one of Oliver’s limbs.

“TO THE BIG SLIDE WITH THIS ONE!” Teddy said happily, and Jo grabbed his other hairy leg to help them out. God, she hadn’t seen a man this hairy in so long. 

“GUYS!” Oliver said, but they were already starting up the stairs together, one step at a time to keep from dropping him. “He can swim right?” Jo whispered.

“Oh, he can swim,” Rose said.

“You don’t have to do this,” Oliver said, but his begging fell on deaf ears. 

“The most terrifying drop in the whole Capitol!” Teddy said, obviously trying to get a rise out of Oliver. “Even scarier than the roller coaster: and that went upside down.” 

“Don’t torture him, Teddy,” Pierre said. He seemed very focused on each step. 

As the processional brought Oliver up the stairs, Jo looked at each of them, trying to place them. She couldn’t figure out the tall boy at the lead of the pack, but she was starting to have some suspicions about some of the others.

“Say your prayers, Oliver,” Pierre said, earning a huge laugh from Teddy that automatically made Jo shudder: and wonder why it brought about such a strong reaction.

“You’ll be fine love,” Rose said as they set him down on his stomach in the bay. “You’ll be at the bottom before you can say camellia five times!” 

There was that word again. 

Rose gave him a spank, and then Teddy pushed on his feet to send him downward with a great holler, and he screamed the whole time. 

“Guess we better go get him,” Teddy said. “Who’s the least likely of us to get killed by him?”

“You say that like any of us couldn’t take him in a fight honey,” Pierre commented.

“I’ll go. He couldn’t possibly hurt me!” Hosanna said suddenly, throwing herself down the slide with a shriek of glee. 

“It must be hard to see with such dark goggles,” Jo commented to Pierre, turning her head to give Rose a glance. 

“I manage just fine honey, but thanks for your concern.” He stepped up on the base of the slide on his own and blew the rest of them a kiss before sliding off backwards.

“What a man,” Teddy said with a sigh. “After you two.”

“I don’t know Teddy, you better go get him,” Rose said. The boy obediently gave her a shrug and swung off the bar down the slide.

“You’re a pretty smart cookie,” Rose told her, and gave her a knowing look. She came closer, taking Jo’s face in her hands and giving her a kiss on the lips. Jo knew it was coming: somehow she always knew with her: and didn’t stop this. 

God. It felt so good to be gay for someone else again. 

“See you on the other side, Gorgeous,” Rose said, before sending herself down the slide, leaving Jo by herself. But not for long. She went backwards this time, enjoying the thrill of being carried by the water.

“I hope you’re happy now,” pouted Oliver when Jo reached the bottom, and she laughed with the rest of the group.

“We had a guest, we had to do something to fuck with someone. You just drew the short end of the stick.” 

“It could be worse. At least I didn’t have to get waxed.” That got him a look from Teddy, and giggles from the rest of them. 

“Your eyebrows could really use a wax, honey,” Teddy said. 

Pierre shook his head disapprovingly. “It just sounds wrong when you say it.” 

“Hey!” said Teddy, before he disappeared under the water with a big dramatic splash. After a moment, Pierre wobbled, and with a cry of surprise, shot upwards as Teddy grabbed his ankles, holding him up on his shoulders. 

“I swear to God dumbass!” For the first time since Jo saw him, he was truly frazzled. 

Teddy grinned and let out a small laugh. “Nope, you earned it.” It was obvious to Jo how much he liked to be touching the green-skinned drama queen. He gleefully grinned, still holding onto Pierre’s ankles as he gripped tightly onto Teddy’s hair.

“Come on, let’s go get DJ and dry off,” Rose said. 

Pierre let out another shout as Teddy started moving forward, stubbornly continuing to carry the boy on his shoulders.

They met DJ at the shallow end, who for some reason didn’t swim and was wrapped up in a towel. “That slide is fucking huge!” he said. “Boy, I’m glad I didn’t have to do that.” He gave Oliver a grin.

“You know what, just for that, your mohawk is getting ruined,” Oliver said, quickly slinging the younger boy over his shoulder and dropping him in the pool, towel still on and all, to the applause of Teddy and Pierre.

“Hey!” he said, coming back up and spitting out water. His mohawk was truly ruined: hair hung in his face, but at least he could swim.

“Consider yourself... suddenly drenched.” 

“I resent that!” he pouted, getting out of the water. He was careful to keep the towel over his waist the entire time, which made Jo suspicious except for the fact that she was still laughing.

“You!” he said, pointing at Jo. “Stop laughing at me!” 

Jo couldn’t help herself. “You? Do you already forget my name?” 

At his silent yet knowing expression, Jo couldn’t help but laugh. Yeah, I know who that one is.

“Well I think it’s time for one of Teddy’s famous name songs.” 

“Now!?” said Teddy, but such was the game. 

“Joelle! Go!” 

Teddy thought fast, “Uhhhh…” and then he began to sing, as Jo raised her eyebrows at him. 

“J is for jolly, always with a smile! 

O is for one short day we share! 

E is for eager to meet her favorite band.

L, L is for lovely, lovely, and she’s really nice too! 

E is for eyes… Which she has on her… Face.

And that’s what Joelle means to me!” 

They all laughed, and Jo shut her eyes, feeling the warm sun on her face as she was smiling. She wondered what his songs for the others were, but she didn’t ask in that moment. She just wanted to relax and enjoy the time she had, while she still did.



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